my thinks

it's not what i say that makes you like me ... it's how i say it

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Summer Pt.1

So this summer went by pretty darn fast... lots of fun stuff happened... did some recording...Dan moved down to Moscow for the summer and we had high hopes for progress... but in the end we did more slacklining and less musicing than anticipated... we did get in some really great shows and laid down some really good sounds... overall the time spent in the Scow was more laid back than planned...

Laura and I moved into a new place and are really enjoying it... it has these cool wood shelves and moldings... it's a bit bigger so there's going to be more room for silent raves, sock hops, and tea parties...went to Chicago and had some pizza...

went to some neato record shops while I was in town... walked around... got some ice cream... went to the zoo... got some field recordings of monkeys and an 80 year old woman... went to a concert... got a photographers pass... met some of the bands...ate bean burritos in the Ruby Sun's camper van... they were nice...

Animal Collective blew our brains out of our ears... we stood as far away from the crowd after we all took turns with the pit pass to snap some fotags...

Robyn from Fleet Foxes brother graduated from the school down the road from mine... He wondered if Idaho raised their drinking age... they have...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

cherry pie

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

on a sigh

ahhh. that was a sigh. and if you know anything about sighs it should be that everyone is important. this sigh was a nice one... like after you sit in a nice chair or drink something cold or lay down next to her and find something that only you two share or finish an exam or unpack the last box or cancel your plans that have been looming over you or take a hot shower or smoke your third to last cigarette or put on a new pair of chacos or realize the inevitable or lose something that you thought was important but turned out to be not so important or think back upon the friends you had in 8th grade or finish that last chapter in an arduous(SP?) book or start your sun salutations or play the first grooves of the first track of an expected LP or learn how to pull the perfect shot or kiss familiar lips or make your little brother mad or long for something that can wait.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

holy crap

four essays + school all day + work all night + due friday = a need for some kind of sustaining drug

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Baby

Monday, January 21, 2008

I don't understand you anymore than when I was 14

So I just made my first theremin... it sounds cool... like wooooOOooOooOOoOOoEoeEoEoEOoOEoOEOWoeoWeooEOoeoo.... oo....

anyways. a new semester, a fresh start... a full load of easy classes... a new job.... two new jobs.... new songs and old songs.... mostly songs that I hate.... but in it all is me... and that is nice... it's cold... not me but the earth outside is cold... I am warm and in love with alot which I think is a good conclusion to a good year... I saw that Jen filled out her annual filling out survey thingy and thought that was a nice idea so maybe soon I will fill one out for myself... maybe I will title it "how 2007 made 2008" or "if three plus two = 5 then I've been doing math wrong my whole life" or "the mystery of how it all went right" I've been doing alot of reading and sudoku lately and now all i can see when I look at anything are those darn numbers and lines...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We did it.