my thinks

it's not what i say that makes you like me ... it's how i say it

Saturday, April 14, 2007

jello it's alive

haven't had it in a while... doesn't sound all that great to me right now... my whole family is sick and jello is the last thing i want to consume. it's not tops when you live in a big family and someone gets sick... it spreads fast... through doorknobs and bathrooms and toothbrush holders and dishes and blankets and universal remote controls and loving hugs and salad tongs and sneezing noses and shared pebto bismo measureing cups and coffee cups and cups that are too short to qualify as glasses and upset stomaches and family meetings and close living quarters and sunday lunchs and flat seven up and our siemens blood. i love my family, and they love me back.


At 9:03 AM, Blogger scotty42 said...

Sure dig you jazzy freeform thought streams dude


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