i was sitting in my booth
when i saw you walk on by
it reminded me of this girl
well acctually it reminded me of you
yes you
maybe because it was you
walking by on that side walk
just outside my booth
your hair is always so tight
it is always tied up to the top of your head
it wasn't always that way
i remember our sophmore year
we we're both new in school
it was nice to find a friend who was like me
you came from california and i came from chicago
and we came together on those cool fall nights
under the blankets in your front yard
well soon we fell apart
and the next thing i knew your hair was tied up tight
on the top of your head as you walk on by
but every now and then when no one is looking
you take your hair down and walk towards me
i give you a hug
and you give me your smile
this brings back those cool october nights
and this is what i will remember of you
as you walk on by
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