my thinks

it's not what i say that makes you like me ... it's how i say it

Friday, April 08, 2005


i've always thought that there was a huge void.... in time and space....
the grateful dead dropped out of the jam band arena when jerry died about seven years ago....
and phish just recently dropped out... although trey is still doing his solo work... it's not the same....
so ... there's this void... it's the void of the jam band.... the string cheese inccident is working it out right now.... and the allman bro's have always dripped like water on the brain.... but last night.... oh last night was somthing i've never heard before.... our band bacon was opening for uptime and melefluent .... two local bands that are pretty popular here.... well uptime played after our set and they were good... it was like .... funk meets rage against the machine.... they played for about an hour.... then i left to go and pick up my car from my lady friends casa.... i came back to the show and melefluent was already on.... the last thing i remeber about last night was dancing into the early morning.... i just couldn't stop....they are like one huge acid trip.... but i've never done acid nor will i ever .... so.... instead i just bought a shirt and their cd.....blow my mind!


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