my thinks

it's not what i say that makes you like me ... it's how i say it

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

little indian girl

here's a new song that i wrizote in the booth of my life!
there's a picture of the page i wrote it on ... i think it's neet

i like the girl with long braided hair who's flown with eagles through fires and through cares
i said hey , my, my, my, my she's my my H-frame girl
she sings my thoughts
my little indian girl
my my my my she's my my H-frame girl
with beads in her hair
my little indian girl
(verse 1)
here we find the joined ginger friends
their spinning happiness never, ever ever ever ends
off into the bleeding stars that are falling because of broken hearts
spin the joined ginger friends in their dance that they can't end
spin the joined ginger friends in their happiness that they can't end i said a hey hey hey
(repeat chorus)
who's got the best burgers in town... bacon( repeat at least four times)
who's doing drugs tonight
want to get in a fight?
don't be so uptight!

(song slows waaaaaaay down it's nearly half time... but a bit slower)
i keep running down the hall but you're already gone
to jupiter, and you'll never come home
(build up and get all rock awesome!)

(verse 2)
i just want to play with you all day
you have pretty lips i like what they say
i'm just learning now how to do
what you do with those honey filled hips of yours

(chorus and then ...... stop!)


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